Uses of Class

Uses of MailMessage in net.christopherschultz.mail

Methods in net.christopherschultz.mail that return MailMessage
 MailMessage MailMessage.addBcc(javax.mail.Address address)
          Adds a blind carbon-copy (BCC) recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addBcc(String email)
          Adds a blind carbon-copy (BCC) recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addBcc(String email, String name)
          Adds a blind carbon-copy (BCC) recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addCc(javax.mail.Address address)
          Adds a carbon-copy (CC) recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addCc(String email)
          Adds a carbon-copy (CC) recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addCc(String email, String name)
          Adds a carbon-copy (CC) recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addHeader(String name, String value)
          Adds an SMTP header to this MailMessage.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addReplyTo(javax.mail.Address address)
          Adds a reply-to recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addReplyTo(String email)
          Adds a reply-to recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addReplyTo(String email, String name)
          Adds a reply-to recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addTo(javax.mail.Address address)
          Adds a recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addTo(String email)
          Adds a recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.addTo(String email, String name)
          Adds a recipient to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.attach(javax.activation.DataSource dataSource, String name)
          Attaches the specified DataSource to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.attach(javax.activation.DataSource dataSource, String name, String description)
          Attaches the specified DataSource to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.attach(javax.activation.DataSource dataSource, String name, String description, String disposition)
          Attaches the specified DataSource to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.attach(File file)
          Attaches the specified file to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.attach(String name, File file)
          Attaches the specified file to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.attach(String name, String description, File file)
          Attaches the specified file to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.attach(String name, String description, String contentType, String disposition, File file)
          Attaches the specified file to this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setBcc(javax.mail.Address address)
          Sets the blind carbon-copy (BCC) recipient for this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setBcc(String email)
          Sets the blind carbon-copy (BCC) recipient for this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setBcc(String email, String name)
          Sets the blind carbon-copy (BCC) recipient for this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setCc(javax.mail.Address address)
          Sets the carbon-copy (CC) recipient of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setCc(String email)
          Sets the carbon-copy (CC) recipient of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setCc(String email, String name)
          Sets the carbon-copy (CC) recipient of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setFrom(javax.mail.Address address)
          Sets the sender of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setFrom(String email)
          Sets the sender of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setFrom(String email, String name)
          Sets the sender of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setHTMLText(String htmlText)
          Sets the HTML body of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setHTMLText(String htmlText, String contentType)
          Sets the HTML body of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setMultipartPreamble(String multipartPreamble)
          Sets the multipart preamble for this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setPlainText(String plainText)
          Sets the plain-text body of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setPlainText(String plainText, String contentType)
          Sets the plain-text body of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setReplyTo(javax.mail.Address address)
          Sets the reply-to address for this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setReplyTo(String email)
          Sets the reply-to address for this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setReplyTo(String email, String name)
          Sets the reply-to address for this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setSender(javax.mail.Address address)
          Sets the sender of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setSender(String email)
          Sets the sender of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setSender(String email, String name)
          Sets the sender of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setSubject(String subject)
          Sets the subject of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setTo(javax.mail.Address address)
          Sets the recipient of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setTo(String email)
          Sets the recipient of this message.
 MailMessage MailMessage.setTo(String email, String name)
          Sets the recipient of this message.