Package net.christopherschultz.evaluator

Interface Summary
EvaluationContext Contains important information about the current expression evaluation.
ExpressionVisitor An interface for classes implementing the visitor pattern for processing entire expression trees.
Function An interface to describe functions callable from expressions.

Class Summary
ArrayReferenceExpression An expression describing an array reference.
BinaryOperatorExpression An expression to describe expressions with binary operators.
ConstantExpression An Expression which represents a fixed value (a constant).
Expression An evaluatable Expression.
FunctionCallExpression An Expression representing a function call.
IdentifierExpression An Expression which represents an identifier.
NegatedExpression An Expression to perform a logical negation (i.e.
StandardFunction Implements a Function with standard arugment evaluation semantics.
UnaryMinusExpression An Expression to perform an arithmetic sign inversion (unary minus) of a sub-expression.

Exception Summary
EvaluationException An Exception class signifying that there was an error during expression evaluation.
UnexpectedArgumentException An exception type denoting an unexpected argument.