Package net.christopherschultz.evaluator.function

Class Summary
BinaryOperator Provdes implementations of standard mathematical, logical, and relational binary operators including the following usual suspects: +, -, *, /, =, !
BinaryOperator.Add Implements addition.
BinaryOperator.And Implements logical AND.
BinaryOperator.Divide Implements division.
BinaryOperator.Equal Implements equals.
BinaryOperator.Greater Implements greater-than.
BinaryOperator.GreaterEqual Implements generic greater-than or equal to.
BinaryOperator.Less Implements less than.
BinaryOperator.LessEqual Implements greater-than.
BinaryOperator.Modulus Implements modulus (remainder).
BinaryOperator.Multiply Implements multiplication.
BinaryOperator.NotEqual Implements unequal.
BinaryOperator.Or Implements logical OR.
BinaryOperator.Subtract Implements subtraction.
CallFunction Assigns a value to a symbolic identifier.
ContainsAllFunction Returns true if the array or collection in the first argument contains all remaining arguments, in any order.
ContainsAnyFunction Returns true if the array or collection in the first argument contains any one of the remaining arguments.
CountMatchesFunction Returns the number (int) of arguments that appear in the first (array or list) argument.
Difference Implements numeric subtraction.
DistributeFunction Executes a function on the remaining parameters, returning an array.
GetVariableFunction Retrieves the value of a symbolic identifier.
IfFunction Implements an if-then-else construct as a function.
IJWInvocation Calls a method matching the function's name on the first argument, passing the remaining function arguments as arguments to the object method.
IsNullFunction Returns true if all arguments are null.
LambdaFunction Creates an executable closure.
LengthFunction Returns the length of the specified array or collection.
ListFunction Returns a list containing the arguments to the function.
MathFunction Implementations of standard mathematical functions.
MathFunction.heaviside Implements a heaviside function which takes a numeric or boolean argument.
MathFunction.max This class respects the value of the MathFunction.ALLOW_NULL_COMPARISON property.
MathFunction.min This class respects the value of the MathFunction.ALLOW_NULL_COMPARISON property.
MemoryFunction Returns the current memory usage as a Map of descriptions to Integers.
NewObjectFunction Creates a new object of a class and calls the appropriate constructor.
NonShortCircuitAnd Implements a non-short-circuit boolean AND operation for an arbitrary number of arguments.
NullFunction Returns null.
QuoteFunction Returns the symbol as a ConstantExpression instead of evaluating it.
SetVariableFunction Assigns a value to a symbolic identifier.
ShortCircuitAnd Implements a short-circuit boolean AND operation for an arbitrary number of arguments.
ShortCircuitOr Implements a short-circuit boolean OR operation for an arbitrary number of arguments.
Summation Implements numeric addition.
UnsetVariableFunction Removes the value for any number of identifiers.
VariablesFunction Returns a map of all named variables, including functions.

Exception Summary